Last week was a LONG week here with sick kids, lots of doctor's appointments and very little sleep. Fortunately our weekend was much better! On Saturday we celebrated the engagement of Quinn and Lindsey and Sunday afternoon we spent down in Colonial Williamsburg. We spend a lot of time down there but I haven't brought my camera lately. I brought it Sunday, though, and got a few shots. It was a beautiful day and finally felt like autumn! I love this time of year.

I still don't have a shot of BOTH the girls that I like. Lillie was actually smiling for the camera which she hasn't wanted to do in months so I got quite excited that I might get a good photo of them. Well, of course Lola decided she wanted nothing to do with that:

Oh well! SOMEDAY I will get a shot where they both look semi-happy!
Lola just wanted to suck on her little fist and snuggle with her Daddy.

 We also have a new tote available in our shop
It has our signature design - our birdcage logo and the first line of one of my favorite poems,  
"Hope is the thing with feathers..." by Emily Dickinson.

I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!


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