The first week we moved in we tackled this open space that contains the kitchen and family room.
We kept our cost down on this project by just painting the cabinets and getting new appliances. We held off on replacing the counters and sink last summer but we are finally ready for that! Yay! I am so excited. I got our farmhouse sink and faucet ordered earlier this week and we are hoping to have that installed along with our new counters in the next month. I am still deciding on the backsplash... I will do a more lengthy post with those details in the future.
For a full source list for the items shown in these photos of our family room click here or here. And you can find all kitchen related posts here and family room related posts here.
Now onto the dining room. Besides paint and changing out the light fixture this room didn't need as much work. I am still on the hunt for a hutch for the wall you don't see in these pictures and I'd like to wallpaper the upper half of the walls and change out the table eventually but here's what we've done so far:
Full source list for the items shown here in our dining room can be found here and you can find all dining room related posts here.
And here are the updates we've done in the den/study. This room required the least amount of work so far seeing how we have decided to keep the dark woodwork as is in here. I painted the walls a creamy color (they were a pale peach) and then just did some basic decorating in here using pretty much all things we already owned. Eventually I would like to put quite a bit more effort into this room and make it more masculine for Jon. We've talked about possibly moving a TV in here and I've been considering doing kind of a vintage sports theme but at this point we aren't in any hurry seeing how we have plenty of other projects ahead of this room on the list.
Full source list for the den can be found here and all den related posts can be found here.
And then here is the powder room. I still haven't hung any artwork in here. Hopefully I will get to that at some point soon.
A full source list for the powder room can be found here and here.
And then there is the entry way. I am not going to lie - I pretty much hated doing all the painting in here. The spindles and risers seemed endless...
This was how it looked with some garland for Christmas:
Full source list for the entry way can be found here and here.
And the upstairs hall:
And here's a source list for what we've done so far in the upstairs hall here.
And next we have our gray guest bedroom. This room is pretty close to being done. I need to hang some artwork and add a rug and possibly a bench to the end of the bed but other than that this room is pretty close to being finished.
A full source list and more details can be found here and here.
And next we have our other guest bedroom that also is going to start functioning as an office. I've played around quite a bit in here with some accent colors for pillows (did gray and also tried red at Christmas) then pink at Valentine's (those are now in our playroom) and some tan (those are in the photos below) but those are now in our den. I finally got a desk this past weekend and put it together Monday so as soon as I hang some pictures and find a chair I will rephotograph that room with the updates that include some black and white accents.
A full source list can be found here.
Here it is with the bright pink pillows (that we have now moved to the playroom)
A full source list can be found here.
And then here is Lillie and Lola's room. We did their room right after we move in. I still have a couple more projects I plan on doing in here including doing some kind of upholstered headboard (I've considered several things including kind of making a slipcover for their current headboards) and making benches for the ends of their beds.
A full source list with lots more photos and details can be found here.
Those are all of the spaces we've made a good bit of progress in. Now here are some of the spaces we've started on but aren't as far along in. (Although a few of these rooms we've been making quite a bit of progress in this week so should have more to share very soon!)
First here is the one wall in our master bedroom that we've gotten done.
We slept with our mattresses on the floor for several months but as of last week we finally have a bed in there and we moved the rug that was in our family room of our last house in here - yay! I showed a little peek of our new bed on instagram last night. Next on the list I need to start working on making over some nightstands which I am hoping to have a tutorial for - but we shall see how they actually turn out first - haha!
More details about what we've done in there and a source list for what we've done so far can be found here.
And here is the progress we've made in our upstairs hall bathroom so far. I still haven't found any mirrors although I have been searching! And I keep changing my mind on the wallpaper. I think I have decided this time but we'll see if I actually pull the trigger and get it ordered...
More details and a source list for what we've done so far can be found here.
And then here are the quick and inexpensive updates we did in laundry room until someday when we do a proper makeover in here.
You can read a little about those updates here.
And then lastly here is a little bit of the playroom. We've been working on it like crazy the last few weeks from painting to cleaning and organizing and it's finally starting to come together. The wallpaper is actually going up today and then I plan on hanging curtains, recovering the ottoman and a few other little projects and then I will share a post with all the details. I have to say though, this room is not at all what I would have chosen to do in here. =) I pretty much let Lillie and Lola help with all the design decisions so we ended up with pink, pink and more pink. I thought we could mix in some other colors but they both think the more pink the better so it is pretty much as pink as a room can get. This is just a quick cell phone shot on the right so it's pretty grainy but at least you can get a little idea of how it's coming together.
So, there's a little tour of the progress we've made so far! And hopefully I will have some posts soon with updates on our master bedroom, the playroom, our guest room/office, the guest bathroom and our porch. I guess I'd better get back to work...
Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Happy birthday, sweet Blake.
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